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6 Metrics to Review Before Collaborating with a Fashion Influencer

Written by Team LTK | Jan 9, 2024 12:12:36 PM

Pay-per-click isn’t working. Traditional ad campaigns fall flat. Marketing has shifted, but the power of social media continues to grow—and influencer marketing is the vehicle driving it forward. 

Consumers spend their leisure time on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Snapchat, making Creator content the new word-of-mouth marketing. Collaborating with fashion influencers swings the door wide open for every product recommendation to translate to thousands or millions of followers and new customers. 

But one-size-fits-all is rarely the best choice in fashion, and it isn’t ideal for fashion marketing, either. So, which Creator is the right fit for your brand? Consider a few key metrics before you partner with a fashion influencer.


1. Audience Demographics

Consumers are complex. Aside from the occasional impulse buy, most of the time, they’re trying to fulfill a specific need with purchases. Products have to check several boxes:

  • Quality
  • Brand
  • Price
  • Availability
  • Convenience 

Each consumer group places these factors up or down the priority ladder depending on age, income, gender, and other demographics, but one thing’s consistent across the board: They all want to know why your brand is unique. 

Collaborating with fashion influencers offers opportunities to showcase your brand’s unique flair to the masses, reaching new audiences and priority consumers. The result? Increased loyalty and a growing audience.


2. Frequency of Posts

How much do you post now? How much do you want to post to reach your goals? Creators are called influencers for good reason: They earn loyal audiences that share their content, doubling their reach to influence the general population, from style choices to buying habits. 

Don’t forget, the medium is the message. LTK research shows that video fashion posts drive twice as much gross merchandise value (GMV) per post as static content. Not only that, but campaigns across industries that leverage video tug at the heartstrings, driving four times more clicks than those without it.


3. Engagement Ratios

Looking to increase views, likes, saves, and/or comments? Creator content has the potential to generate five times more engagement. But check your understanding of your audience first. Are they ripe to engage with your brand? 

The most invested audiences are usually most responsive to Creator content. Yes, engagement does vary by niche, so there’s no silver bullet. But if collaborating with fashion influencers seems like a fit, consider executing a multi-tiered strategy across the full funnel to capture consumers at all stages.


4. Follower Count

Because Creators have the influence they do, their follower numbers climb sky-high, and there’s untapped potential to share that social wealth. These audiences are more likely to trust Creators than ads, so when brands collaborate with fashion influencers, they tap into that credibility and trust. It’s a win all the way around, from elevating your own following and customer base to feeding those followers with new recommendations.

LTK is unique because it gives your brand and products immediate access to 250,000 Creators and 30 million consumers who not only scroll but also really engage with Creator content. Consumers come to LTK Creator shops to be inspired, interact, and participate in consuming Creator content. 

LTK Creator campaigns also result in an organic halo effect that goes beyond casted Creators. They lead to virality across the LTK network, scaling awareness and sales faster. 


5. Content Quality

Content takes consumers from consumption to commerce, and audiences trust Creator recommendations to:

  • Discover new products/brands
  • Learn about product quality
  • Get authentic opinions on fit

But consumers’ time and attention are valuable. Content is often viewed on the go via mobile devices, making succinct storytelling that much more important. The solution? Video. A whopping 77 percent of fashion consumers watch Creator videos. When they showcase your brand’s benefits, it really highlights the “why” of purchasing and fosters long-term loyalty.


6. Creator Costs

Consider the time and money you might devote to each campaign or even each post. On your own, it may only translate to a few sales. But collaborating with fashion influencers justifies—and amplifies—your efforts. 

That’s because it’s not just you and your team anymore. There’s power in numbers, and Creators increase posting potential by three to five times so brands get more mileage out of their investment.

Consider how LTK Creator partnerships have kept brands’ marketing costs down while skyrocketing results:

  • One fashion brand wanted to regain market share by doubling consumer clicks and quadrupling organic posts. But talk about overachieving—they earned six times the clicks and 10 times the organic posts.
  • An athletic wear company wanted to scale its reach on TikTok by doubling engagement. Instead, just seven Creators generated 2.4 million video views and 29,500 clicks.

Start Your Influencer Partnership

Collaborating with fashion influencers can be immensely rewarding when their reputation and reach move the needle for your brand. From pulling in the right audiences and propelling engagement to sharing content that drives sales and followers, Creators grow the relationships that matter. 

Watch our “Fashion’s Runway to Creator Success” webinar to understand more about how consumer expectations are shifting and the opportunity brands unlock when they partner with Creators, including:  

  • The latest trends in fashion Creator content
  • Best practices for fashion brands looking for Creators
  • How brands can maximize a Creator marketing strategy

Are the stars aligned to pursue a partnership now? LTK is known as the top influencer marketing platform worldwide. We offer everything brands need to boost marketing efforts, grow an effective social media presence via the right Creators, and ultimately increase sales.

Get started with LTK today to drive success with influencer marketing.